Home » Sports News » (Photos) LeBron James proves he is a man of many skills with doodle of Bart Simpson

LeBron James has recently proved that he is a man of many talents with a doodle of Bart Simpson that has gone viral on social media platforms.

LeBron James is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world right now, and rightfully makes the conversation for one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

The Los Angeles Lakers superstar has won four NBA Championship titles and four MVP awards and will certainly go down as one of the greatest of all time – but his talent does not stop right there.

The Akron, Ohio native was reportedly a very gifted football player during his high school days, and has often rapped on his social media platforms, but he revealed a completely hidden talent of late – which took the NBA community on Twitter and his fans by complete surprise.

Ahead of the upcoming NBA season which will also be his 20th in the NBA, LeBron has been very active on social media – tweeting at athletes from other sports and posting about his preparation ahead of the season.

However, the Los Angeles Lakers superstar’s latest post on Instagram had nothing to do with basketball or any sport – but with art instead.

What did LeBron James post on his Instagram story?

LeBron revealed a hidden talent to his fans when he posted a self-made doodle on his Instagram story.

LeBron took to Instagram to post a picture of a sketch he made of a popular cartoon character. Uploaded with the caption “Just messing and doodling around. Miss doing it all the time. Used to be my escape,” LeBron posted a doodle of Bart Simpson, the titular protagonist of the show The Simpsons.

While LeBron was humble enough to add “Bart got a big ass head though. My bad Bart, been a while since I picked up the pen”, the amount of talent that King James possesses even with the pen in his hand instead of the basketball blew away his fans.

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