Home » Entertainment » Is Channing Tatum bisexual? Debunking the rumors regarding his sexuality and more

All you should know about Channing Tatum’s sexuality and whether he is gay or not

Channing Tatum is an American actor who was born on April 26, 1980, in Cullman, Alabama. His parents were airline and construction workers.

His family moved to Pascagoula, Mississippi. He suffered from dyslexia and attention deficit disorder and played football, soccer, track, and football in school.

He went to Gaither High School, attended Glenville State College on a football scholarship, and dropped out later on. He made his debut through Coach Carter in 2005 and gained recognition through Steip Up in 2006.

He also appeared in Magic Mike in 2012, Magic Mike XXL in 2015, and Magic Mike’s Last Dance, and he produced them too.

There have been rumors speculating whether Channing Tatum is bisexual. Let us take a deep dive into the rumors and learn all about his sexuality.

Channing Tatum photographed for Variety Magazine on December 15, 2021 in Los Angeles, CA by Brian Bowen Smith

Is Channing Tatum bisexual?

Channing Tatum is one of the most handsome and good-looking men in Hollywood, with a great physique and more. But there have been rumors speculating about his sexuality and whether he is bisexual.

Fans started to confirm that Channing was gay because of his support for the LGBTQ community and the characters that he played on screen.

In 2015, Channing was seen dancing at the Pride Parade, and that instigated rumors of him being bisexual.

There were various media sources that stated that he could be bisexual or gay. There were rumors suggesting that Channing was gay, but there is no truth to the rumors.

He is presently engaged to Zoe Kravitz and has been around some of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. There is no truth to the rumors of Channing Tatum being bisexual.

He has not commented on the rumors of him being gay or bisexual.


Channing Tatum is not bisexual. He has not commented on the rumors of him being bisexual. Channing has been quite vocal about various aspects of his sexuality, and he has supported the LGBTQ community throughout.

But there is no truth to the rumors, and there is no evidence to support his sexuality or determine it. Channing has been in a relationship with Zoe Kravitz since 2021, and the two got engaged recently.

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