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Pat Buck felt the wrath of Drew McIntyre and Sheamus on this week’s WWE RAW

The handicap match between Sheamus and Drew McIntyre against The Miz, John Morrison, and AJ Styles this week on WWE Monday Night RAW ended in Pat Buck being slammed through a table backstage.

The match ended after McIntyre took a Brogue Kick in the face from his Sheamus and Styles took out the Irishman for the pin.

Sheamus was interviewed backstage where he said that the kick was not deliberate.

When the show returned from commercials, McIntyre and Sheamus were shown brawling backstage as things seemed to have turned sour.

Sheamus and Drew McIntyre
Sheamus and Drew McIntyre teamed up on this week’s RAW. (WWE)

McIntyre reacts to putting Buck through table

Pat Buck intervened the brawling Scotsman and Irishman. However, the duo turned against Buck and handed the 35-year-old a beating.

McIntyre and Sheamus then put Buck through a table for no apparent reason. The pair then looked at each other and smiled before leaving the arena together to go and grab a beer together.

McIntyre then put photos of the incident on Twitter and hilariously captioned it “What did we learn??? #WWERAW

Moments like Sheamus Brogue kicking McIntyre in the face are usually an indication of a heel turn from one of the fighters.

However, the duo collaborating to hand Pat Buck an unwarranted beating and leaving together implies that things are still fine between them.

This also sent out a message that people shouldn’t come in between McIntyre and his business.

The Scot is scheduled to defend his belt against AJ Styles on WWE TLC 2020 but there is a possibility that Sheamus will face off his friend for the belt sometime in the near future.

Drew McIntyre will; defend his belt against AJ Styles on TLC 2020. (WWE)
Drew McIntyre will; defend his belt against AJ Styles on TLC 2020. (WWE)

There hasn’t been a shortage of on-screen ‘friends’ going against each other for a title.

Similarly, there doesn’t seem to be any need here for McIntyre and Sheamus to turn against each other if they are to face each other for the WWE Championship.

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