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WWE SmackDown results, winners, grades, reaction: November 29, 2019: Bryan and The Fiend

WWE SmackDown results, winners, grades, reaction: The post Survivor Series edition of SmackDown aired last night on the occasion of Thanksgiving in the USA.

Roman Reigns kicked off the show from The Legacy Arena at BJCC in Birmingham, Alabama to cut a promo on the bygone PPV.

His current rival, King Corbin, showed up with Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler to set up the first match of SmackDown.

Baron Corbin
Baron Corbin (C) attacks Roman Reigns (L) (Image credit: WWE)

Roman Reigns competed against Roode where Ziggler and Corbin tried to interfere on a number of occasions.

Reigns landed a Superman Punch and connected with a mammoth spear on Roode to claim the victory.

Match Grade: A (A solid start to SmackDown via this match which saw crowd backing up Roman Reigns, thoroughly)

The heels tried to attack Roman Reigns using their numbers. But Reigns caught Ziggler with a Samoan Drop and buried Roode under the announce table to come out on top as Corbin watched from the ramp.

SmackDown woman’s champion is not happy

Mustafa Ali vs. Drew Gulak was the next matchup on SmackDown where Ali downed Gulak with a Superkick.

Ali ended up hitting a big tornado DDT and the 054 from the top for the pin to win.


Match grade: B (The high-flying action from the former Cruiserweights is always soothing to eyes)

SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley and Sasha Banks cut a heel promo on the female roster until Lacey Evans interrupted them as a babyface figure.

Bayley is the current SmackDown women’s champion (Image credit: WWE)

Banks got into her face only to digest a Women’s Right from Lacey as Bayley checked on her buddy to end the segment.

Nikki Cross vs. Sonya Deville took place next SmackDown where Cross hit a Running Bulldog and went to the top rope.

Mandy Rose distracted her allowing Sonya to cut her off. But Cross picked up the win with a sudden roll-up.

Sonya and Mandy attacked Cross after the match until Alexa Bliss made her return to make the save.

Match grade: D (Not much of contest took place and this was basically used to set up Alexa Bliss’ return)

The Celtic Warrior is back

Two big returns happened on SmackDown in the form of Sheamus and Elias who appeared during backstage segments.

An Open Challenge took place on the show over SmackDown Tag Team Titles where Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura competed against The New Day’s Kofi Kingston and Big E.

Shinsuke Nakamura
Shinsuke Nakamura paired up with Cesaro (Image courtesy: WWE)

Sami Zayn was ejected from ringside by the referee after trying to interfere. A distracted Cesaro ate a Trouble in Paradise from Kofi to suffer the pinfall loss.

Match grade: B (A match featuring the New Day is never boring and this one had even more shenanigans.)

Bryan responds to challenge

Daniel Bryan responded positively to the Universal Championship challenge thrown by Bray Wyatt to set up another rematch between them.

The crowd chanted YES when the lights went out summoning The Fiend. The Champion appeared through a hole under the ring.

Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan faces Bray Wyatt at Survivor Series 2019 (Image credit: Getty)

He choked out Bryan with the Mandible Claw before dragging him under the ring.

The Fiend appeared with a chunk of Bryan’s hairs a couple of times before SmackDown went off air.

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