HomeWrestlingWWEWWE SmackDown results, winners, and grades 10 June 2022: Lacey Evans returns to the ring

Here are the SmackDown results for the 10th of June, 2022.

Ricochet will be defending the Intercontinental Championship after quite some time. He will be facing an uphill task as he goes head-to-head against the Ring General Gunther. We will also get two Money in the Bank qualifying matches as Drew McIntyre faces Sheamus while Lacey Evans will take on Xia Li.

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Drew McIntyre versus Sheamus – Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

Butch began to deliver some punches to McIntyre at gorilla until the former two-time WWE Champion sent the Brawling Brutes member into Sheamus.

Sheamus went for the 10 beats of the Bodhran but McIntyre countered into 10 beats of the Bodhran himself. Butch went up on the top rope and distracted McIntyre. The Celtic Warrior used the distraction and delivered a White Noise on the ring apron as we went into a break. Upon returning, Sheamus hit the Alabama Slam and began wearing down the Scottish Warrior. McIntyre got back in the match with a couple of clotheslines and a belly-to-belly suplex. McIntyre followed up with a neckbreaker and a Spinebuster before going for a cover for a near fall. Sheamus tried beating Drew in his own game, delivering a Future Shock DDT for a near fall.

Sheamus went up on the top rope and McIntyre caught him up there. McIntyre hit a White Noise from the top rope and got another near fall. Sheamus hit a Brogue Kick for a two count. The Irish star went for another Brogue kick but McIntyre countered with a Spinebuster. Eventually, both men used chairs simultaneously on each other and the referee called for the bell.

McInryre slammed Sheamus on the announce table as we went into another break. After the break, we saw the two strongly-built Superstars brawling outside the ring and into the crowd area until a number of officials and referees managed to pull the two apart. However, none of the two qualified for the Money in the Bank as they both got counted out.

Winner – None

Grade – A

Lacey Evans was interviewed at gorilla. She said that she sees Xia Li as a victim and someone who seems to tell her that she is incapable of doing something. Evans ended by saying that she might not be better than Xia Li but the Chinese star is certainly not better than her.

Michael Cole provided an update on Cody Rhodes. The veteran commentator said that the American Nightmare will be out of action for nine months.

Lacey Evans versus Xia Li – Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

The crowd was firmly behind Lacey Evans. However, Li started the match on a strong note. After a beautiful throw, Li locked in a submission hold to wear down Evans.

The former Sassy Southern Belle hit a European Uppercut and followed up with a Women’s Right to pick up the victory and become the first person to qualify for the Money in the Bank match this year.

Winner – Lacey Evans

Grade – C

Drew McIntyre went into Adam Pearce’s office and demanded to get inserted in the Money in the Bank match. Pearce said he needed to factor in a lot of things as Drew technically did not win. McIntyre put his arm on Pearce’s shoulder and once again asked the on-screen authority figure to put him in the Money in the Bank match.

Sheamus entered Pearce’s office but McIntyre had exited by then. The former WWE Champion also demanded he gets put in the Money in the Bank match. Pearce gave the same answer to Sheamus regarding processing many other factors before making the decision.

The SmackDown Women’s Champion Ronda Rousey makes her way to the ring

Ronda Rousey said that her Armbar is way better than Natalya’s cheap copy of a Sharpshooter. Before Rousey could say something more, Shotzi interrupted her. The former NXT Superstar came up to the ring and asked Rousey to not wait until Money in the Bank and give her a chance to challenge her for the title. Rousey asked the crowd if she should give Shotzi an opportunity. They responded with a huge cheer as Ronda accepted the challenge.

Ronda Rousey versus Shotzi – Championship contender’s match

Ronda Rousey got off the blocks quickly as she got an Ankle lock locked in. However, Shotzi got back in the match with a Tornado DDT from the ring apron and down on the floor.

Shotzi hit a kick to the side of Rousey’s ear and went for the cover but Rousey kicked out at 2. Shotzi nailed an overhead suplex and followed by another but this time Rousey landed back-first into the bottom turnbuckle.

A flurry of kicks and knees from Shotzi but Rousey managed to catch her leg. Shotzi delivered a couple of slaps which fired up Rousey. Not a good idea on the part of the youngster. The Baddest Woman on the Planet delivered Piper’s Pit and followed up with the armbar to make her opponent tap out.

Winner – Ronda Rousey

Grade – B

After the match, Rousey was celebrating in the ring when Natalya attacked her from behind. The Queen of Harts locked in the Sharpshooter and did not relent for a long time. Rousey did not tap out though. Eventually, Natalya left the ring, leaving Rousey fighting through the pain.

Riddle was interviewed backstage and he said when he faces Sami Zayn, he will remember what The Bloodline did to his best friend Randy Orton. The stakes are going to be high in that match. If Riddle loses, he will be barred from SmackDown. However, if Riddle wins, he will challenge Roman Reigns for the Undisputed Championship.

Ricochet (c) versus Gunther

Ludvig Kaiser introduced Gunther as the two heels made their way to the ring as we went into a commercial break.

Kayla Braxton informed us from backstage that Ronda Rousey is seriously hurt and it could be difficult for her to compete at Money in the Bank.

Ricochet tried using his speed to keep Gunther at bay. However, the big man soon took control of the match after delivering a thunderous chop to Ricochet’s chest. Ricochet got back into the match after countering a powerbomb attempt. He unleashed a flurry of kicks and knees as Gunther was reeling. The joy for the Champion was momentary though.

Gunther hit a clothesline on Ricochet which turned the latter inside out. Ludvig looked to interfere but got a vicious kick to his face for his efforts. Ricochet flattened Gunther and went for a 450 Splash off the top rope but the heel rolled out of the way. Ricochet hit a dropkick but Gunther replied with a dropkick of his own. In the end, Gunther won his first title on SmackDown after delivering a Powerbomb.

Winner – Gunther

Grade – B

Sami Zayn was warming up backstage. Paul Heyman came to him and said that he has a great opportunity. If he can win against Riddle, Heyman would be able to go to Reigns and tell him that Zayn is a member of The Bloodline. However, if he loses, Heyman stopped and the silence worried the former Intercontinental Champion.

Sami Zayn versus Riddle – If Riddle wins, he gets a title match against Roman Reigns while a loss will see him get barred from SmackDown

Paul Heyman joined in on commentary for the match. Riddle drove Zayn to the apron and unleashed a series of kicks right in front of Heyman. Riddle hit a couple of Gutwrench Powerbombs to Zayn. However, Zayn got back in the match locking in a submission hold to tire the former United States Champion.

Riddle, however, got back in the match with a suplex followed by a devastating kick for a near fall. Riddle went up on the top rope looking for a Floating Bro. Zayn was aware as he pushed Riddle off the top rope as he landed face-first onto the barricade. A commercial break and upon return, it was all Sami Zayn. The Honorary Uce sent Riddle into the ring post a couple of times. Riddle managed to return to the ring at 9.

Zayn went up to the top rope and hit the air but Riddle met him with a knee to the face. Zayn once again got control back hitting a DDT from the middle rope mocking Randy Orton. This got Riddle fired up as he unleashed a series of offensive maneuvers followed by a Floating Bro. A DDT from the middle rope by Riddle. Zayn hit a Blue Thunder but eventually, it was Riddle who got the victory with an RKO.

After the match, The Usos attacked Riddle from behind and sent him outside the ring. The Unified Tag Team Champions thought they had gotten rid of Riddle but much to their chagrin, the No.1 contender for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship returned with a kendo stick in hand. Riddle unleashed on The Usos and stood tall in the ring to end the segment.

Winner – Riddle

Grade – A

Overall Show Grade – B

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