Home » Wrestling » WWE » WWE Raw Results, winners, and grades, 18th July 2022: Logan Paul returns to WWE

We start with the Raw results, winners, and grades.

Logan Paul is all set to appear on this week’s edition of Miz TV on RAW. Bianca Belair will defend the RAW Women’s Championship against Carmella. However, unlike last week, this week we should see a clear finish to the match.

The Miz (Twitter)

Titus O’Neil welcomes us to Monday Night RAW

WWE’s Global Ambassador Titus O’Neil cut a heartfelt promo and spoke about the importance of goodwill. He says that inside the WWE ring, the Superstars do everything to put smiles on the faces of fans and that is exactly what the fans will get this week on RAW.

Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring

Becky Lynch revealed that she will face the winner of the upcoming Raw Women’s Championship match between Carmella and Bianca Belair at SummerSlam for the title.
Bianca Belair came out to the ring. She said that losing to Big Time Becks in 26 seconds last year at SummerSlam was a huge disappointment for her. The EST said she is all set to take her revenge this year at SummerSlam. Carmella came out to the ring. The Princess of Staten Island told Belair that she is making a big mistake by overlooking her. The former SmackDown Women’s Champion said that last week Belair took an easy way out of her match as she got counted out. Belair interrupted her promo but Lynch attacked the babyface from behind. Carmella joined in on the assault. Belair managed to fend off Carmella but Lynch hit a Manhandle Slam to take down the champion.

Bianca Belair (c) versus Carmella – RAW Women’s Championship Match (Championship can change hands by pinfall, submission, or count out)

Carmella took advantage of an injured Belair but the latter soon turned things around with a backbreaker. However, Lynch caused a distraction and it allowed Carmella to get back control of the match. Carmella hit a Superkick and later tossed her opponent outside the ring. Carmella waited inside the ring and asked the referee to start the 10-count. Belair rolled back into the ring at the count of 8.

Belair began her onslaught with a series of offensive moves. Carmella kept fighting as she hit a Superkick for a near fall. Carmella slapped Belair and that was the last bit of offense that she could muster in the match. Belair picked up the win with a KOD.

Winner – Bianca Belair

Grade – B

The Street Profits were being interviewed backstage and they spoke about how they will succeed at SummerSlam. MVP and Omos rolled up. They got into a war of words. Angelo Dawkins told MVP that he and the Nigerian Giant should get into the ring against him and Montez Ford to settle things. MVP, however, said that he was not dressed for a match but he will speak to Adam Pearce and make a one-on-one match official between Dawkins and Omos.

Kevin Owens is back

Kevin Owens returns to RAW and he is all set to host a new edition of the KO Show. He called out his special guest Riddle to the ring.

Riddle came out to the ring. Owens told Riddle the reason he did not appear on RAW for a few weeks. He said he was too caught up in proving Ezekiel to be Elias. He said he had gone for a nature retreat. KO appreciated Riddle for his nature. He said that he considered Seth Rollins as his best friend but the Visionary betrayed him. Owens lost his best friend like Riddle lost his best friend Randy Orton. KO offered to team up with Riddle but the latter said that he was the biggest liar in WWE. Owens said that if Riddle could trust someone like Orton, then he could easily trust him. Riddle did not like how Owens spoke about Orton.

A fight was about to be started by Riddle but before that could happen, Rollins’ music hit. Riddle waited for the former Shield member. Rollins came from behind and assaulted Riddle. The Architect hit a couple of Curb Stomps and stood tall in the ring to end the segment.

We saw a backstage segment where Seth Rollins and Ezekiel got into an argument. This was after Ezekiel stood up for Riddle.

The Judgement Day comes out to the ring

Damian Priest said that they did not attack Dominik Mysterio last week. The Archer of Infamy guaranteed that Dominik Mysterio will make the right decision and join The Judgement Day this week. The Judgement Day showed footage of what happened when a legend got in the way of their progress a few weeks ago. The footage was of course of their vicious assault on Edge. Finn Balor said he could watch the footage over and over again. Rey Mysterio and Dominik Mysterio made their way to the ring.

Rey Mysterio versus Damian Priest

The match got underway during the commercial break. Rey hit a frog splash to Priest but soon the heel took control of the match. Priest hit some hard punches and knees but the experienced campaigner got back in the match with a bulldog. Mysterio climbed up to the top rope but Priest caught him. However, Rey turned things in his favor with a hurricanrana.

Priest lifted Rey on his shoulder but Rey managed to plant his opponent with a DDT. Mysterio attempted a DDT but Balor got up on the apron to stop him in his tracks. Dom tried to take out Balor but the veteran sent him into the barricade.

Rey took out Balor and hit a 619 on Priest. However, he could not finish the match as Priest came back with a Razor’s Edge to pick up the win.

Winner – Damian Priest

Grade – B

After the match, The Judgement Day members put Rey’s head on a steel chair and were about to smash the legend’s head with another chair. Priest said that if Dom does not join The Judgement Day then they will smash the chair on Rey’s head. Dom agreed to join The Judgement Day but Priest said that it does not work like that. Balor assaulted Dom with a chair before the Mysterios managed to avoid further beatdown by rolling out to the floor.

Ezekiel versus Seth Rollins

Ezekiel applied the headlock to start the match. He took down Rollins with a shoulder tackle and went back to the headlock. Rollins got back into the match with some heavy blows. Ezekiel sent Rollins into the ring post and climbed up the top rope. However, the heel tripped him. Rollins delivered a knee to the back of Ezekiel’s head. After a commercial break, Rollins took control of the match with a kick to Ezekiel’s jaw. Ezekiel struck back with a powerbomb which earned him a two-count.

A slugfest began in the middle of the ring. Rollins launched himself over the top rope and got hit by a knee from his opponent. Ezekiel went up on the top rope but the veteran caught him and hit a superplex followed by a Falcon Arrow. In the end, Rollins got the win after delivering a Curb Stomp.

Winner – Seth Rollins

Grade – B+

Omos was doing some stretches prior to his match when The USPS dropped by. They said that The Street Profits might not even make it to SummerSlam after getting into a confrontation with the Nigerian Giant. The Undisputed Tag Team champions said they will take front row seats and enjoy Omos’ onslaught on Dawkins.

We saw a promo of next week’s episode of RAW where Rey Mysterio will be celebrating his 20th anniversary in WWE. Balor and Priest said that they will finish the assault they began this week on next week’s episode of WWE’s red brand.

Omos versus Angelo Dawkins

Dawkins was tossed away by Omos like a rag doll. Ford tried his best to distract the big man. Dawkins began to hit some offensive maneuvers until MVP dropped him by grabbing a hold of his legs. The referee saw it and gave a DQ victory in favor of Dawkins.

Winner -Angelo Dawkins

Grade – D

Adam Pearce came out to the stage area. He noted that MVP mentioned earlier how he would love to team with Omos. Pearce made a tag team match official with Omos and MVP on one side while The Street Profits on the other.

The Street Profits versus Omos and MVP

Omos and Dawkins began the match. Jimmy Uso distracted Dawkins and Omos took advantage. Omos stepped on Dawkins’ hand and tagged in MVP. The veteran took a lot of time between moves and this allowed Dawkins to get back into the match and tag in his partner. Omos also got the tag. Ford tried to take down Omos quickly but it did not work. Dawkins sent MVP into The Usos. Ford hit a frog splash to Omos but the big man kicked out at 1. Eventually, The Usos interrupted and The Street Profits got the win with a DQ.

After the match, Omos delivered a double chokeslam to take out The Street Profits.

Winners – The Street Profits

Grade – B

Theory comes out to the ring

He said he will win back the United States Championship at SummerSlam. He would then go on to cash in his Money in the Bank contract after the hellacious match between Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar to become the new WWE Universal Champion.

Vince McMahon’s protege showed footage from last week where Lesnar took out Alpha Academy all by himself. Theory said that if Lesnar manages this kind of domination at SummerSlam then it will help Mr. Money in the Bank win the championship after the match. Theory said that Dolph Ziggler was jealous and should not have stuck his nose in his business. The youngster said that nobody was on his level.

AJ Styles made his way out to the ring. He said that he will be the first one in line to challenge Theory for the WWE Universal Championship if he does manage to successfully cash in his contract at SummerSlam.

Theory said that he was an overnight sensation and Styles was only nowhere near his level at his age. Styles said that he will knock some sense into Theory. He followed up with a punch to Theory’s face and the youngster went outside the ring to take a breather. Dolph Ziggler made his way to the ring as we went into a commercial break.

AJ Styles versus Theory

Both men went back and forth and nobody could take control of the match. This was until Theory whipped Styles into the corner and the veteran was knocked off his feet following the impact. Theory applied a submission hold to wear down Styles. The Phenomenal one got back into the match soon after. Theory went outside the ring and shoved Ziggler, taking him off his feet. Back inside the ring, Styles welcomed his nemesis with a kick to the back of his head.

After a commercial break, Theory dominated the proceedings with a back body drop. Styles got back in the match with a flurry of kicks followed by a neckbreaker. Theory sent Styles face-first into the middle turnbuckle. The experienced campaigner locked in the Calf Crusher but Theory managed to escape outside the ring. Theory slammed Styles on the announce desk. He tossed his opponent back inside the ring. Ziggler hit a Superkick behind the referee’s back.

Theory was rattled and he failed to make his way back into the ring. Styles got the victory as a result of a count-out. After the match, Styles delivered a Styles Clash on Theory to end the segment.

Winner – AJ Styles

Grade – A

Alexa Bliss, Dana Brooke, and Asuka versus Doudrop, Nikki A.S.H. and Tamina – Six-woman tag team match

Dana Brooke climbed up the top rope and took out Doudrop and Taking on the outside. Reggie appeared and distracted Brooke while Akira Tozawa rolled her up to win the 24/7 Championship. Nikki A.S.H., Alexa Bliss, Doudrop, and Tamina won the title one after the other. Eventually, Brooke got the W over Tamina and won back the title. Brooke exited the stage area as Tamina was in pursuit of her. Back in the ring, Asuka made Nikki A.S.H. tap out to the Asuka Lock to win the match for her team.

Winners – Alexa Bliss, Asuka, and Dana Brooke

Grade – No grade

Miz TV with Logan Paul as the special guest

Miz said he is super-excited about his guest tonight. He asked everyone to welcome Logan Paul to the ring. Paul came to the ring and asked Miz if he accepts his challenge to a one-on-one match at SummerSlam.

Miz did not want to get there as he showed Paul footage of how they defeated The Mysterios at WrestleMania 38. However, Paul asked the entire footage to be played and we saw once again how Miz dropped him with a Skull Crushing Finale after the match. Miz called Paul a rookie and asked him to earn the right to face him. Miz said he was not ready to face him. Paul retorted that everyone said he was not ready to be on social media. Everyone told him he was not ready for a match against Floyd Mayweather but he took the challenge. Paul said he would be back next week on RAW and his version of the Miz TV and prove who is better.

Miz still did not accept Paul’s challenge. Paul said he had understood the reason why Miz is not accepting his SummerSlam challenge and that is because he has tiny “blueberries in his pants”. Miz was furious and he ended up accepting Paul’s challenge. A brawl ensued as Paul sent Miz outside the ring. Ciampa attacked Paul from behind. The heels teamed up to try and assault Paul but the social media star managed to fight them off and get out of the ring safely.

Overall show grade – B

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