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WWE NXT Superstar Jordan Myles Released

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Jordan Myles WWE

WWE has now confirmed that NXT Superstar Jordan Myles is no longer with the company. There have been several controversial issues surrounding the company and Myles over the past few weeks and it is likely that the release won’t be the end of the story.

“he is no longer under contract”

WWE confirmed to WrestlingINC earlier today that “he [Myles] is no longer under contract.” Myles, now going by his old ACH name, has been announced for several independent dates over the next few weeks.  These include Heavy Metal Wrestling tomorrow night in San Antonio and Pro Wrestling Revolver on December 27th in Des Moines, IA.

Myles – “I am no longer employed”

Earlier this week ACH took to Twitter to confirm that he was leaving the company. ACH wrote “As of today, I’d like to officially announce that I quit f–king WWE. I am no longer employed, I refused to work for racists, I f–king quit, f–k them. I hate that f–king company and everything they f–king stand for. All they ever did was hold our people back. I do this s–t for the culture. I don’t need anyone’s f–king permission to do what I want to do. Screw Jordan Myles, don’t ever call me by that slave name. Call me ACH and don’t forget the ‘Super’, b—h. I quit, f–k you!”

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