Home » Wrestling » WWE » WWE NXT Heatwave Results, winners, and grades, 16th August 2022: Santos Escobar versus Tony D’Angelo – Street Fight

NXT Results, Winners, Grades: Roxanne Perez will lock horns with her former best friend Cora Jade. Mandy Rose defends the NXT Women’s Championship against Zoey Stark. Bron Breakker will defend the NXT Championship against JD McDonagh.

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Carmelo Hayes (c) versus Giovanni Vinci – NXT North American Championship

Hayes delivered a springboard lariat. The dominance continued from the A Champ. However, after a commercial break, a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker brought Vinci back into the match.

Hayes was dumped outside the ring. Vinci wiped out both Hayes and Trick Williams with a springboard crossbody. A double jump moonsault and Vinci went for the cover but Trick put the champion’s foot on the rope.

Eventually, Hayes got hit with a powerbomb and he fell on Trick. Another attempted powerbomb but this time Hayes countered and hit a hurricanrana to pick up the victory.

Winner – Carmelo Hayes

Grade – A

Diamond Mine came out to the ring. Julius said that he and his brother learned a lot from Roderick Strong but recently he has tried to destroy Diamond Mine. Strong appeared on the tron and said that Julius has something against him since May and he has let his imagination get the better of him.

Gallus – Wolfgang, Joe Coffey, and Mark Coffey came out of nowhere and took out The Creed Brothers.

Cora Jade versus Roxanne Perez

Cora Jade delivered a suplex as we went into a commercial break. After returning, Jade locked in a kneeling surfboard. Roxanne managed to break free. She hit a Russian leg sweep.

Jade got hold of a kendo stick and swung at Perez. However, the latter managed to duck it. In the end, Jade got the win after delivering a DDT on the kendo stick.

Santos Escobar versus Tony D’Angelo – Street Fight – Santos Escobar leaves NXT if he loses

Santos Escobar threw a steel chair at Tony D’Angelo even before the match started. The initial stages of the match were dominated by Escobar. However, The Don of NXT took control of the match during a commercial break as he wore down D’Angelo with a steel chair.

Elektra Lopez was about to hand Escobar a crowbar but D’Angelo tried to take out his nemesis with a shoulder tackle. However, Escobar moved out of the way as D’Angelo wiped out Lopez.

In the end, Escobar picked up the brass knuckles while D’Angelo picked up a crowbar simultaneously. However, D’Angelo was the first one to strike and it helped him to get the victory to send Escobar packing.

Winner – Tony D’Angelo

Grade – B+

Indi Hartwell praised NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. She said she was very happy for them. The champions asked Indi if she wants a new tag partner. A letter arrived for Indi. She opened it and it read “InDex Forever” with a drawing of Dexter Lumis carrying her in a heart.

Blair Davenport enters the scene and takes the letter from Indi and tears it from the middle. She introduces herself as a future NXT Women’s Champion before leaving.

Mandy Rose (c) versus Zoey Stark – NXT Women’s Championship

Stark was all fired up as the match got underway. She almost finished the match early with the facebreaker but Mandy Rose blocked the knee. Rose focused her attack on Stark’s surgically repaired knee.

Toxic Attraction got involved and helped their leader but the referee saw it. He sent both of them backstage. As Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin got up on the ring apron, Nikkita Lyons appeared and took them out.

Stark did have her moments as she hit the flipping facebreaker but struggled to capitalize because of the injured knee. Mandy delivered a huge knee strike to pick up the win and retain the title.

Winner – Mandy Rose

Grade – B

We get a video promo from Quincy Elliot, who is coming to NXT.

Grayson Waller was interviewed backstage. He said that Apollo Crews is selfish and could backstab anyone, anytime. He said that next week he will host his own talk show and Crews will be the special guest.

Bron Breakker (c) versus JD McDonagh – NXT Championship

Bron Breakker began with some grappling. Soon, he brought his power game out and delivered an overhead suplex. A standing moonsault from Breakker earned him a near fall.

McDonagh slowed down the pace of the match and continued wearing down the champion for a while. However, Breakker picked up the pace and dropped the Irish star with a spinebuster. Breakker tried to hit a spear but McDonagh dodged and sent him shoulder-first into the ring post. McDonagh went up on the second rope but Breakker caught him and hit a Frankensteiner. McDonagh hit a beautiful Spanish Fly followed by a brain buster. However, Breakker kicked out at two. McDonagh went up on the top rope and attempted a moonsault but Breakker rolled out of the way. The heel got hit with a spear but before Breakker could go for the cover, McDonagh rolled out of the ring. The champion had to bring McDonagh back in the ring and delivered a couple of spears followed by a military press powerslam to eventually win the match.

Winner – Bron Breakker

Grade – A

After the match ended, Tyler Bate came out to the ring and went face-to-face with Breakker. The NXT UK Champion lifted his title above the shoulder and Breakker showed his title too as the show ended with a showdown between two champions.

Overall show grade – B+

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