Home » Sports News » WWE reveals details about the injury suffered by Madcap Moss

WWE recently shared an update about the injury suffered by Madcap Moss on SmackDown 

Madcap Moss defeated Baron Corbin in a one-on-one match at WrestleMania Backlash. However, Corbin was unhappy with the match’s conclusion and assaulted his former tag team partner on SmackDown last week.

Madcap Moss was brutally attacked by Happy Corbin on Friday Night SmackDown (WWE)

WWE took to Twitter and shared an update on Madcap Moss’ injury suffered last week on SmackDown. They announced that Moss had suffered a cervical contusion.

“As first reported on #TalkingSmack, @BaronCorbinWWE‘s attack has left @MadcapMoss with a cervical contusion.”

Moss formed the stable with Happy Corbin on SmackDown in September. As a tag team, they feuded with Shinsuke Nakamura and Rick Boogs. 

Happy Corbin opens up after assaulting Madcap Moss on SmackDown 

Former United States Champion Happy Corbin recently expressed his vicious attack on Madcap Moss. During an interaction with Megan Morant on Talking Smack, Corbin said he has no guilt for his attack.

He also said that the attack made him happy and would keep doing stuff which would make him happy. Corbin mentioned how Moss got a miraculous victory at WrestleMania Backlash.

“Explaining what I just did? I mean, I’m here for a good time. I’m happy. I’m happy for a reason, and doing that to Madcap Moss after he somehow pulled out some miraculous victory at WrestleMania Backlash, well, that made me happy. So, that’s why I did it. That’s my explanation. I’m going to go out there and do whatever it takes to make me happy. And making me happy is also going to lead to me leaving you here by yourself.”

It will be interesting to see how Moss makes a comeback and how long will he be out of action.

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