Home » Wrestling » WWE » 5 WWE Superstars with the most number of losses; Number 1 will shock you

Wrestling is all about winning or losing. So let us look at 5 WWE superstars with the most losses in history.

Throughout the history of WWE, many superstars have walked into the company to become a leading event players, and many have gone out of the company is trying so as well. Winning or losing doesn’t impact until it is in equal proportion, but sometimes the losing part becomes way more. There are some superstars with the most number of losses in the company’s history (courtesy Cagematch). Let’s have a look at it. 

5. Randy Orton- 1058 Losses and counting

Randy Orton is one of the legends of WWE and one of the most notorious heels in WWE history. He is a third-generation superstar, and a 14 time WWE Champion He is still going strong even after being in the company for 20 years. He has faced almost all the greatest superstars, from Triple H to Rock to John Cena.

Kurt Angle Randy Orton
Randy Orton has one of the most successful careers in the history of WWE

The Viper is the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in the history of WWE and one of the few superstars to hold both WWE and World Heavyweight titles. He has competed in more than 2350 matches in his WWE career so far but has lost on 1017 occasions. One thing to note is that he has won 50% of his total matches, which is positive.

4. Dolph Ziggler- 1224 losses and counting 

Dolph Ziggler made his debut as a part of the male cheerleading faction known as Spirit Squad. However, he is the only one who emerged as the only single player from the group. As a result, Ziggler made his name and has held multiple titles within the company, including NXT Champion and World Heavyweight Champion.

Dolph Ziggler AEW
Dolph Ziggler is a former WWE Champion (WWE)

Even after many years, he continues to entertain the WWE moves. He performed as a heel for most of his career, which resulted in many losing matches. The show-off has performed in 2091 matches and has lost 1224 of them. His winning % is less than 50. 

3. Brooklyn Brawler – 1216 losses 

For many years WWE used enhancement talents which are called by fans, Jobbers. These wrestlers would come in and lose to the stars, although we can say that they also have some talent as their job is to make everyone else look good.

The Brooklyn Brawler | WWE
Brooklyn Brawler lost many matches in his WWE career (WWE)

Brooklyn Brawler, aka Steve Lombardi, is probably the most popular name of all time who did this job the best. He lost to almost every major star of the late 80s and was even managed by Bobby “The Brain” Heenan at one point. He has performed in 1423 matches and lost 1216 matches. Brawler has a winning % of 13.6%.

2. The Miz – 1238 losses and counting

The Miz has been in WWE for over 14 years and emerged as one of the best Intercontinental and US Champions in WWE history. He has held the Intercontinental title eight times.

The Miz wheelchair
The Miz is one of the biggest heels in WWE history (WWE)

Also, He holds the record for the second-longest combined days with the title. He has also won the WWE Champion twice. He is considered one of the best heels in the history of WWE, which saw him face many losses in his career. The Miz has performed in 2021 matches and lost 1238 times. He has a winning % of 37%. 

1. Kane- 1326 losses and counting 

The Big Red Machine Kane has been with WWE for over 23 years. He made his debut in 1995 as Dr. Issac Yankeem and also ran through some failed gimmicks such as DDS and fake Diesel. However, the Kane character made him what he is today. He has some of the greatest ever feuds with The Undertaker, Big Show, and edge. 

Ex-WWE champion Kane declared winner in Tennessee mayoral race
Kane has lost the most number of matches in WWE history (NY Post)

Kane has held multiple championships, including WWE, World Heavyweight titles, and other notable championships. However, due to his heel-based character, he has suffered the most number of losses in the history of WWE. Kane has been a part of 3007 matches, out of which he has lost 1326 matches. However, his winning % is still above 50, making him one of the best. 

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