HomeWrestlingWWEWWE Hell in a Cell 2022 results, winners, grades: A PPV for the ages

WWE’s latest pay-per-view Hell in a Cell has an interesting match card and we will be bringing all the results for you. Madcap Moss wants redemption as he faces Happy Corbin while The Judgement Day will look to carry on with their domination.

Let’s start with the results from Hell in a Cell 2022.

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Bianca Belair (c) versus Becky Lynch versus Asuka – RAW Women’s Championship match

Becky Lynch shoved both Asuka and Bianca Belair as the match got underway. Belair sent The Man out of the ring as Asuka and Belair began to brawl in the middle of the ring. Asuka dropped Belair with a clothesline before Belair tripped her from outside the ring.

Lynch climbed the top rope but Belair tossed her across the ring. The Empress of Tomorrow came back to take both women out and followed up with an armbar to the EST. The champion managed to counter by using her power to powerbomb Asuka into the turnbuckle. Lynch sent Asuka outside the ring and focused her attack on Belair. Lynch dominated Belair in the ring until Asuka got up on the ring apron.

Belair inadvertently speared Asuka down from the ring apron. Lynch took advantage of the distraction and hit a leg drop on Belair who was helplessly positioned on the middle rope. Lynch followed up with a Bexploder Suplex. The Irish Superstar went up on the top rope to deliver a leg drop to Belair. Lynch went for the pin on Belair but Asuka made the same. Towards the later stages of the match, Belair displayed a great combination of strength and athleticism to drop both her opponents. Belair sent Asuka outside the ring and shifted her focus solely on Lynch.

The EST lifted Lynch on the top rope and looked for a superplex before Asuka returned to drop them both and followed up with a double hip attack. Asuka locked in a double ankle lock on Lynch and Belair but both women managed to escape. Belair went for a hair whip but Lynch managed to duck. Lynch went for the Disarmer but Belair countered by using her power. Big Time Beck’s dropped Belair with the ManHandle Slam and went for the cover but Asuka broke the cover. Asuka delivered a huge kick on Belair and Lynch tried to take advantage with the cover but the Japanese star once again managed to break the pin attempt.

Asuka and Lynch went back and forth with numerous roll-up attempts but no one managed to get the three count. Belair returned to the ring and dropped Asuka face-first. Lynch dumped Belair out of the ring and delivered a Manhandle Slam on Asuka. The talented Belair returned to the ring as Lynch had the cover on Asuka. Belair threw Lynch outside the ring and covered Asuka for the victory.

Winner – Bianca Belair

Grade – A

Omos and MVP versus Bobby Lashley – 2 on 1 handicap match

Omos and MVP were making some last minute plans backstage before Cedric Alexander came up to them. Alexander wanted to help them but MVP stopped him and said that Hurt Business is over and will never come back again. We heared a pre-recorded diss track from MVP on Bobby Lashley.

MVP started the match with Bobby Lashley but the former made the tag to Omos before even locking up with the Almighty. Omos used his power to drop Lashley and then MVP asked for the tag to get back in the match. MVP slapped Lashley but that fired the former WWE Champion up. Lashley tried to hit a suplex on Omos but the Nigerian Giant dropped him face-first.

Omos followed up with the Snake Eyes followed by a body tackle to take down Lashley. MVP tagged himself in and delivered a big boot to send Lashley outside the ring. Omos got the tag and tackled Lashley on the outside, sending the veteran crashing through the barricade. Lashley managed to beat the 10 count in the nick of time.

He delivered a spear to MVP before Omos came to take down the babyface. Cedric Alexander appeared out of nowhere and jumped off the top rope trying to help Lashley. The Colossus caught Alexander and clotheslined him outside the ring.

Lashley took advantage of the distraction and speared Omos and won the match after applying the Hurt Lock on MVP who tapped out almost instantly. Lashley went outside the ring and took a WWE Championship title replica from a fan and lifted it above his shoulder to make his intentions clear. He wants to become the WWE Champion once again.

Winner – Bobby Lashley

Grade – B

The commentators revealed that an injured Cody Rhodes will step inside the Hell in a Cell with Seth Rollins. There were rumors that Rhodes might not be wrestling on the pay-per-view after his match against Rollins at Saturday’s WWE live event got canceled due to the former AEW Superstar suffering an injury.

Kevin Owens versus Ezekiel

Kevin Owens started talking trash to Ezekiel. Ezekiel hit Owens with a jumping knee followed by an elbow drop from the top rope. Owens managed to weather the initial storm and got control of the match as he sent Ezekiel shoulder-first into the ring post. Back inside the ring, Owens hit a DDT to Ezekiel and followed up with a senton and a moonsault from the middle rope.

Ezekiel was busted open as Owens locked him in a submission hold. Owens was beating down Ezekiel and constantly yelling that he is Elias. Owens hit a Tornado DDT for a near fall. The former Universal Champion went up to the top rope and attempted a Swanton but Ezekiel got his knees up. Ezekiel picked up the pace as he splashed Owens in the corner a couple of times. Owens tried to escape but Ezekiel dropped him with a Spinebuster.

The Canadian heel superstar dropped Ezekiel with a Pop-up Powerbomb for a two count. Ezekiel got up on the top rope but Owens caught him with a big boot. Owens followed up with a Superkick and a Cannonball. Ultimately, Owens hit the Stunner to pick up the victory.

Winner – Kevin Owens

Grade – B

The Judgement Day versus Finn Balor, AJ Styles, and Liv Morgan

All six competitors began to brawl in the middle of the ring. Styles and Balor assisted Morgan as she delivered a hurricanrana to Ripley. The Australian star, however, took control of the match with a vicious headbutt. Ripley displayed her strength as she lifted Liv above her shoulder and delivered a crushing suplex. Morgan managed to muster some offense as she delivered a dropkick from the middle rope.

Ripley tagged Edge while Styles for the tag from Morgan. Edge did not want to enter the ring as he tagged Priest. Styles hit a Pele kick to Priest and tagged in Balor. The Prince was dominating the Archer of Infamy when the Rated-R Superstar got up on the apron and distracted the first-ever Universal Champion. Priest took advantage off the distraction and dropped Balor. Edge got the tag and assaulted Balor outside the ring. Priest and Edge made some quick tags and isolated Balor in their corner of the ring. Edge sent Balor spine-first into the corner. Balor tried to make the tag to Styles but the Hall of Famer stopped him in his tracks and dropped him face-first. Priest continued to wear down Balor before the latter hit a jawbreaker to create separation.

Balor tried to reach Styles but Priest stopped him once again with a Backbreaker. Balor finally managed to tag in Styles after hitting Priest with an overhead kick. Styles was all pumped up as he unleashed a hard-hitting assault on Priest and Edge. Styles flattened Edge with a Phenomenal Forearm and went for the cover but Priest pulled his rival outside the ring to break the attempted pin.

AJ and Edge tagged in Liv and Ripley respectively. Morgan started impressively but Ripley stopped her with an overhead suplex. Ripley went for a Riptide but Morgan countered. Morgan tagged in Balor and The Judgement Day members were taken down outside the ring as Balor, Styles, and Liv launched themselves from inside the ring to take them out. Styles hit the Phenomenal Forearm to Priest.

Balor was about to hit the Coup de Grace on Edge but Ripley stood in the way to save the leader of The Judgement Day. Morgan came to take Ripley outside the ring. Balor attempted the Coup de Grace but Edge had enough time to recover. The veteran rolled out of the way and delivered a Spear to pick up the victory.

Winner – The Judgement Day

Grade – A

Bobby Lashley met Cedric Alexander backstage. The Almighty asked Alexander why he did what he did during his match. Alexander said he was tired of how MVP and Omos were treating him. He had to stand up for himself. Lashley said he was proud that Alexander stood up for himself but told him clearly that he should not interfere in his matches in the future.

Madcap Moss versus Happy Corbin – No Holds Barred match

The match got brutal very early on. Corbin dumped Moss over the announce desk. Moss threw a chair on Corbin. The babyface sent Corbin into the ring post followed by the steel steps. Corbin got back in the match as he delivered a Choke Slam from the ring apron. The experienced Corbin hit Moss with chair shots. A deep Six gave Corbin a two count. Corbin drove a steel chair into Moss’ neck.

Corbin set up a chair at the corner of the ring. Moss sidestepped a raging Corbin as the latter hit head-first into the steel chair. Moss used a steel chair to wear down Corbin. The veteran sent Moss over the barricade to get back control of proceedings. Corbin wrapped a chair around the neck of Moss and sent him into the announce desk.

Corbin set up the steel steps in the corner of the ring but Moss fought back delivering a Fallaway Slam on the steel steps. Moss wrapped a steel chair around the neck of Corbin and dropped the steel steps on the chair. Moss went for the cover and picked up an important victory in his young career.

Theory (c) versus Mustafa Ali – United States Championship

Ali started quicker off the blocks. He hit a hurricanrana followed by an arm drag as the Champion went outside the ring to take a breather. Theory went outside the ring a few times and Ali had enough. Ali went up on the top rope and delivered a crossbody to take out Theory. Vince McMahon’s protege got back in the match, as he sent Ali face-first into the ring post. Theory delivered a Fallaway Slam and applied a headlock to wear down Ali.

The former Retribution leader delivered a rolling neckbreaker to get back in the match. Theory jumped off the middle rope but Ali caught him with a botched Superkick. Ali dropped Theory from the top rope with a modified Spanish Fly. Ali hit a Tornado DDT and after some time, he locked in the STF. Theory somehow managed to get to the rope. In the end, Theory dropped Ali with the A-Town Down to retain the title.

Winner – Theory

Grade – B

Seth Rollins versus Cody Rhodes – Hell in a Cell match

The Hell in a Cell structure was being lowered as we were shown a vignette of the rivalry that Rhodes and Rollins have had till now.

Rhodes started with a few jabs to Rollins and followed with a Disaster Kick. Rhodes was looking to finish the match quickly as he delivered a Cody Cutter and tried to go for the Cross Rhodes but Rollins countered. The American Nightmare locked in Figure 4 but Rollins managed to free himself.

Rollins used a kendo stick to beat down Rhodes. The Visionary sent Rhodes into the cell wall. Rhodes, however, managed to turn things around sending Rollins face-first into the cell wall. Rhodes was wrestling with one arm as he had a heavily-bruised right shoulder. Rollins hit Rhodes with the steel steps.

The Architect wore Rhodes’ robe and used a belt to assault the former AEW Superstar. Rollins brought a table into the ring. The former Shield leader lifted Rhodes into the top rope and tried the Superplex but the latter managed to counter. Rollins placed Rhodes on the table and delivered a Frog Splash off the top rope. Rhodes moved away as Rollins crashed through the table. Rhodes brought a bull rope from under the ring.

Rollins and Rhodes turned the Hell in a Cell match into a bull rope match. Rhodes delivered a Superkick but Rollins soon took control rebounding the fan-favorite off the ring post.

Rollins brought out another table from under the ring and set it up in the corner. Rhodes managed to recover during that time and delivered a Cross Rhodes for a near fall. Rollins delivered a devastating Powerbomb through the table and went for the cover but Rhodes miraculously kicked out at 2 and a half.

The former Universal Champion brought a sledgehammer from under the ring but as he entered the squared circle, Rhodes was waiting as he delivered a Pedigree for a two count. Rhodes grabbed the sledgehammer but Rollins escaped outside the ring. Rollins entered the ring, and Cody followed but the former planted his nemesis with a Curb Stomp.

However, Rhodes once again kicked out of a cover. We saw a fabulous spot where Rollins delivered a Cross Rhodes and Cody followed up with a Cross Rhodes of himself. Rhodes hit a couple of consecutive Cross Rhodes and followed up with a sledgehammer shot to the head of Rollins to finally pick up the victory.

This is certainly a contender for the match of the year. What a performance from both men! Rhodes basked in the adulation of the fans in attendance as he completed the hat-trick of victories over Rollins. Rhodes was struggling to hold back his tears after the match as he kissed the mat and celebrated his victory.

Winner – Cody Rhodes

Grade – A+++

Overall show grade – A

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