Home » Others » The Historical Cannabis Connection: Tracing Back the Oldest Evidence of Use 

Cannabis has a sacred meaning for many people. This is not surprising, since our ancestors used it in their animistic rituals. There is evidence of this in Europe and America. In India, hemp was considered a spiritual plant. Ancient people made an alcoholic drink from cannabis and used it as an aphrodisiac. This reverent attitude is due to the euphoric effect that marijuana has on a person.

Many believe that the plant plays an important role in the path of spiritual growth and self-awareness, helping to overcome emotional difficulties. And although marijuana is not a psychedelic, some high moments allow you to see the world from a different angle and perceive new ideas. For this reason, it is not uncommon for artists and other creative individuals to use weed.

Today, the sacred aspect of our beloved plant is not so important. People smoke most often to relax and have fun with friends. However, history still leaves its imprint and forms a unique phenomenon and culture of smoking. 

History of cannabis 

The history of marijuana began more than 5 thousand years B.C. It was an important agricultural crop used to make cloth, rope, and oil. Central Asia is considered the birthplace of the plant. From there, it began to spread around the world: first in Asia (China, India), then in Africa and Europe, and only then came to America.

Different cultures have formed their own unique relationship with cannabis. For example, the Chinese were the first to use it for pain relief, treatment of respiratory organs, and nervous disorders. In India, religious hymns were devoted to marijuana. According to the beliefs of the inhabitants, a drink made from hemp helped to establish a connection with spirits. In general, two functions of cannabis can be distinguished – spiritual (religious rituals, a state of euphoria) and healing.

In the Middle Ages, hemp was actively used for the production of shoes and clothing, and its cultivation was actively encouraged by the authorities. The fate of the plant was successful until the Catholic Church paid attention to its psychoactive properties. It is difficult to assess the legal status of cannabis during this period, but most likely, there were no restrictions at the state level. Moreover, in the 19th century, during the period of active development of science, the first scientific articles about the medical properties of marijuana appeared.

The 20th century was the most difficult in the history of cannabis. The first legal ban was passed in California in 1913. Subsequently, other countries began to restrict the use of the weed. The US government had a very strange argument. It was believed that marijuana turns a soldier into a pacifist, and he must fulfill his duty and want to kill enemies. All cannabis medications disappeared from pharmacies, and textile, paper, and other products did not appear on the market.

In the 60s and 70s, the hippie youth movement began a protest against the authorities. Cannabis has become their symbol. They believed that smoking weed promotes love, peace, and mutual respect. Although marijuana was still banned, these initiatives became the trigger for a number of scientific studies. Some strains have been found to have a positive effect on sleep and help to mitigate stress and anxiety.

It took almost 50 years for countries to begin lifting restrictions and follow the path of legalization. Today, we see that the history of cannabis is the history of the development of human knowledge and awareness. At an early stage, the plant was perceived as a gift from Heaven. Later, society began to pay attention to negative effects, and only then did scientific knowledge and the spiritual grain of culture lead to a compromise and balanced vision. 

Current situation 

Since the late 90s, cannabis has been gradually legalized in different countries of the world. Technical strains with a minimum content of THC (the most active cannabinoid) and feminized seeds that provide a rich harvest appeared. Many use cannabis for the production of medicines, oncological therapy, and the treatment of depression and stress. The bad reputation of the plant is gradually becoming the past.

Today, cannabis helps thousands of sick people to better endure their suffering. Millions of people smoke weed and use edibles to combat stress or just to feel good. To date, there is no scientific evidence that moderate marijuana use has a negative impact on health. And the overdose, we hope, has gone from our society along with the old prejudices. 


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