Home » Others » Food for Thought: Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Humans?

The emergence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) continues to impact and improve lives in multiple ways. In simple terms, AI is the use of computer programs to solve problems or finish tasks that previously required human intervention. For instance, companies use technology to streamline business processes and make smart decisions to become more profitable and gain a better competitive edge. Gaming sites like are also taking advantage of artificial intelligence to enhance security and improve the gambling experience for their clients. With this tech, casinos can offer personalized gaming experiences to gamers based on an analysis of their behaviors, habits, preferences, and other vast amounts of player data. While AI seems like an answered prayer for most people, there have been fears that the technology will quickly take over human roles. This leads to a heated debate on whether it will eventually replace humans. Look at some of the possibilities regarding artificial intelligence replacing human beings.

AI Will Replace Humans in Some Industries

This technology will likely take over the jobs of human beings in specific industries. It is especially true when it comes to performing dangerous and repetitive tasks that require a high degree of precision. For example, AI-powered robots seamlessly perform welding, painting, and assembly in manufacturing. On the flip side, it is important to note that this will not happen in most industries. This is because most tasks still require empathy, critical thinking, and creativity. Take a look at the customer service industry. While artificial intelligence-powered chatbots can handle multiple queries, human intervention is still needed to handle more complex issues. In essence, the tech is more likely to change the nature of work in most industries rather than completely replace workers. As the technology becomes more advanced, there is a likelihood that individuals will be left to focus on creative, high-level, and strategic work. In contrast, AI programs and robots will be in charge of manual and repetitive tasks.

Reasons AI Will Not Completely Replace Human Beings

There are a couple of reasons the tech will not entirely replace human beings, like:

  • No Emotional Intellect: people have the upper hand in this scenario because they can instantly read people, express feelings and show emotions, which computer programs cannot do;
  • Lack of Empathy: persons can share feelings like happiness, enjoyment, sadness, gratitude, optimism, hope, kindness, and many others. There is also the fact that the tech cannot think outside the box because it does not have creative ways to solve rising problems since its code does not support the function. The programs also do not work on intuition and gut instincts, which can be life-savers in a myriad of situations.

 The Need for Adaptation and Re-training 

With the increased use of AI, some people may find that the technology is taking over their duties. In such cases, it is important for the workforce to quickly adapt to the changes so that they do not become redundant. Examples of solutions that humans can work with include:

  • Finding New Jobs: Some people may find themselves out of work because of the impact of this technology. It may be time to source new opportunities in related fields requiring a different skill set. For instance, as artificial intelligence takes over routine tasks, workers may need to oversee and manage the systems, train them well, and ensure they always work effectively and ethically;
  • Acquisition of New Skills: In other cases, some people may need to return to the drawing board to learn new skills that will help them transition to different industries. While it may be challenging for persons who have been in one field for years, it may be necessary if they want to mitigate the impact of the technology on human workers. Educational institutions, governments, and businesses can step in to help workers learn new skills and seamlessly transition to new careers;
  • Embracing Technology: It is important for people who want to stay ahead of the pack to familiarize themselves constantly with the ever-changing and growing technology. It will help them seek opportunities to use the tech to avoid becoming obsolete.

The Future of AI and Human Intervention

While AI will automate some jobs, it will also create new industries and fresh job opportunities that may not have existed before. Being proactive can help you be better positioned to take advantage of the technology and the opportunities it will bring forth. It is, therefore, safe to say that the future essentially lies in collaboration between AI and humans for mutual benefit. Embracing responsible development of the technology, putting in place ethical frameworks and executing effective regulations are key to ensuring AI remains an efficient and powerful tool that serves human interest instead of a domination force.

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