Top 8 favorite eSports games in the UK


The eSports industry is very popular around the world, but it has particularly passionate audiences in the UK. Millions of youngsters play virtual games as part of the new trend that encourages people to switch from offline to online sports competitions.

According to the report, the UK eSports sector represents just under 8% of the global market. This makes Great Britain a true eSports superpower, which is why we want to discuss the most popular games on the island.

We’ve played and analyzed hundreds of games, but here are the top eight eSports games in the UK.

Top 8 favorite eSports games in the UK 2


We open the list with Fortnite, aka one of the most loved eSports games in the history of online gaming. It is an online battle royale game with more than 350 million registered players globally.

Of course, not all of them play the game actively and it’s fair to reduce the number by at least 90%. This means that Fortnite has over 30 million players around the world. More than a million players in the UK alone.

Rocket League

Rocket League is not as famous as other entries on our list, but it still attracts a whole bunch of gamers due to its accessibility. With its 3+ age rating, Rocket League is suitable for pretty much all generations of users. However, it is rather difficult to truly master the game and that’s what makes it interesting even for more experienced players.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

If you are a genuine eSports fan, you must have played CS: GO a thousand times already. It’s a multiplayer first-person shooter game with interesting missions and mind-boggling strategic decisions.

Many players from Great Britain believe that CS: GO is similar to the because it’s so immersive and realistic. In case you still haven’t tried it, we strongly suggest doing it as soon as you’ve finished reading this article.

Call of Duty

Call of Duty is certainly not the newest game in the world of eSports. It stubbornly remains one of the most frequently played titles in the UK.

Call of Duty has been around for more than a decade already. Fresh creative solutions and improved design make it an evergreen game. Besides that, Activision made sure to develop a mobile version in a timely manner, which makes Call of Duty adaptable to modern trends and gaming demands.


DOTA 2 is yet another game that thrills the audience both in the UK and globally. Two teams consisting of five members each combat to destroy the other party’s fortress, aka the Ancient.

Being such a popular massively multiplayer online game, DOTA 2 is able to attract millions of players and organize amazing live events with prize funds worth well over $10 million in total.


Overwatch is yet another first-person shooter game on our list. The goal of the game is to gain control of targeted destinations, with six users playing for the same team.

Overwatch developers had serious live event plans for 2020 and 2021, but the pandemic ruined their calendar of activities. However, it doesn’t change the fact that Overwatch is still among the most popular eSports games in the UK.


Football is the world’s most loved sport, while Great Britain is considered to be its cradle. This is exactly why FIFA 21 is winning over the British gaming market. FIFA 21 features four competitions:

  • English Premier League
  • World Cup
  • Champions League
  • Street football

If you are in love with football, then FIFA 21 is the obvious choice for you.

League of Legends

We end the list with League of Legends, a legendary game with well over 20 million active players worldwide.

League of Legends is very similar to DOTA 2, but it is also different enough to generate a huge fan base in the UK. Although the pandemic slowed it down a bit, LOL is still able to organize major tournaments in dozens of countries internationally.

The bottom line

The UK is leading the world in many fields and so it’s not a surprise to see it dominating the eSports market in 2021. Young players on the island love all sorts of games, but some titles proved to be resistant to challenges and new editions.

In this post, we explained the eight most popular eSports games in Great Britain. Have you already tried all of them and would you add more titles to our list? Let us know in the comments section!


Leslie Alexander is a content lead and a full-time member of the team.  She is an expert in blogging and online casinos. Apart from content creation, Leslie enjoys traveling and long-distance running.