How to do the timer trend on Tiktok?


TikTok is back with a new trend. Let us find out how to do this new timer trend on TikTok?

TikTok trends can be fun-loving and interesting but sometimes it may steer into something really dangerous and hazardous for those who try it, One such trend is the Timer Trend on TikTok whose popularity has surged on the video-streaming platform with around 8 million views and counting. 

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TikTok timer trend has gone viral now (LADbible)

In the Timer Trend, one sets a timer on their phone with the user claiming to do suicide once the timer goes off. Captions are often added to the video like: 

“Let’s see who cares.”

“I will do it when the time is up.”

The main aim of this challenge is to see how many people care about them and will reach out to the user. It is starting to become an extremely dangerous and nonsensical trend. 

It is to note that the platform has banned words like “dead” and suicidal” users of this challenge are using hashtags such as #unalive and #social to get around the TikTok list of banned words.

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TikTok is a popular video-making platform (TechCrunch)

How to report TikTok’s Timer trend?

It has become a duty and essential to report this kind of dangerous trend on social media to put an end to their viewership. 

Here is how you can immediately report the viral timer trend

  • Go to the video you want to report
  • Click on the white flag in the top right corner
  • Tap on the icon that says ‘Report.’
  • Select ‘suicide, self-harm and dangerous acts’ and submit.

One of the things that the user should know is that, if you get a message from a user urging you to participate in the challenge do not interact with them and follow the steps to report the account. 

  • Go to the user’s profile.
  • Tap on the 3 dots on the top right corner
  • Tap ‘Report’ and submit.

Here are some of the reactions on Twitter to this horrifying trend.

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